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Title: Patients’ experiences of clinical team meetings (ward rounds) at an adult in-patient eating disorders ward: mixed-method service improvement project
Authors: Yim, See Heng
Jones, Roshan
Cooper, Myra
Roberts, Lyn
Viljoen, David
Keywords: Clinical Meetings
Ward Rounds
Patient Satisfaction
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Citation: Yim, S., Jones, R., Cooper, M., Roberts, L., & Viljoen, D. (2023). Patients’ experiences of clinical team meetings (ward rounds) at an adult in-patient eating disorders ward: Mixed-method service improvement project. BJPsych Bulletin, 1-7.
Abstract: Ward rounds are key to treatment-related decision-making, but are often stressful. This project aimed to explore and improve patients’ experiences of the clinical team meeting (CTM; historically known as ward round) in an adult in-patient eating disorders unit. A mixed-method approach was adopted with in vivo observations, two focus groups and an interview. Six patients participated. Two former patients contributed to data analysis, co-production of service improvement initiatives and write-up. Results The mean CTM duration was 14.3 min. Patients spoke half of the time, followed by psychiatry colleagues. ‘Request’ was the most discussed category. Three themes were identified: CTMs are important but impersonal, a sense of palpable anxiety was generated and staff and patients had divergent views regarding CTM goals. Clinical implications The co-produced changes to CTMs were implemented and improved patient's experiences despite COVID-19 challenges. Factors beyond CTMs, including the ward's power hierarchy, culture and language, need addressing to facilitate shared decision-making.
Description: Open access
Appears in Collections:Eating Disorders

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