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dc.contributor.authorExternal author(s) only-
dc.identifier.citationMargaret Glogowska, Caroline Croxson, Gail Hayward .Women’s information needs around urine testing for urinary tract infections: a qualitative study .British Journal of General Practice 2022; 72 (717): e244-e251.en
dc.description.abstractBackground Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the commonest bacterial infections in general practice, with urine testing a frequent feature of its management. Urinary dipsticks are widely used, with urine culture the reference standard test. To avoid contamination, patients are advised to discard the first part of the urine stream, retaining the midstream part for the sample. This process, however, can be challenging both to explain and to perform. There is a lack of literature investigating women’s perceptions and understanding of urine sampling. Aim To explore women’s understanding of urine collection, sample contamination, and how information from samples informed UTI management. Design and setting Qualitative study embedded in a UK randomised controlled trial (RCT) of urinary collection devices (UCDs) among women attending primary care with a suspected UTI. Method Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 29 women participating in the RCT. Interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed. Results Participants were not always aware about what midstream samples were and why they were preferable. They also lacked understanding about how urine samples may be contaminated, and sources of contamination. Participants experienced variability in the information received following analysis of their sample. Conclusion Provision of clear information could help provide better urine samples, aiding the diagnosis of UTIs, presenting results with greater clarity, and creating less need for repeat samples. Sharing of information derived from uncontaminated samples may also support better UTI management, helping to reduce unnecessary prescribing and antibiotic resistance.en
dc.description.sponsorshipSupported by the NIHRen
dc.subjectUrinary Tract Infections (UTIs)en
dc.titleWomen’s information needs around urine testing for urinary tract infections: a qualitative studyen
Appears in Collections:Women's Health

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