Remotely Close during Covid19 Lockdown – exploring Intensive Interaction via Zoom
Jeannie Donald-McKim, Jules McKim, 'Remotely Close during Covid19 Lockdown – exploring Intensive Interaction via Zoom' PMLD Link (Summer 2020) Vol 32 No.2 Issue 96 pp. 7-9
With the start of the lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic it initially seemed that our work would become nigh on impossible. Working in services that provide health and educational support to people with severe and profound learning disabilities, providing a meaningful way to maintain that support proved a challenge. With non-essential contact not advised, remote technology has been used to maintain support for families and staff and encourage social and emotional engagement for the people supported. Although this has been a necessary adaptation to a temporary situation, we have become aware of some unforeseen benefits which might allow increased engagement and inclusion for some people in the future.